The anomalies are classified based on intelligence, threat and aggression
0 - no threat
1 - non lethal threat
2 - minimal threat
3 - moderate threat
4 - high threat
5 - Very high threat
Remember to separate aggression and threat with "-" for example 2-2H0
1 not triggerable
2 specific trigger
3 neutral until triggered by any means
4 triggered to presence
5 triggered at all time
N - no intelligence
S - simple intelligence
A - animal intelligence
H0 - sub human intelligence
H1 - almost human intelligence
H2 - human intelligence
H3 - above human intelligence
Since not every anomaly is the same (for example some of them can be places or something else) remember to use those special classifications below if an anomaly has specific properties that can't be described using standard classification
- P - if the Anomaly is a place, please replace aggression classification with P to avoid confusion
- NE - if anomaly is non euclidean, replace aggression classification too.
Nothing here for now, coming soon
Davetown as city itself is medium-sized town in Colorado, USA with population of around 15 000 people with notable places being Davetown
Central as famous place for business corporations to place their offices, Freddy's Fazbear's Pizza still operated by Dave's friend called
"Orange Guy" and popular local fast food restaurant "Rusty Mug" in eastern Davetown known for its american vibe and juicy burgers.
Of course Davetown isn't some regular town, as you may know from previous page in this area many weird incidents take place whicb just became
something regular for locals at this point but still they interest some people. In Davetown stories i made with my friend most of a time
those strange incidents had humoristic purpose and rarely caused fear in main characters, but we are here to focus on universe of Davetown not the story associated with it!
To help you understand here is a full map of Davetown, we'll talk about every area to help you fit into the vibe and maybe know a little
more about the story of Davetown