Poland after a fall of communism found itself in a difficult position. Not only democracy was slowly being applied but also whole economy had to be transferred to capitalist system which caused huge inflation for some period of time. in 1999 Poles joined NATO and in 2004 they became part of European Union which by that time was on a good track, helped us to regulate economy and competed with US head to head in terms of GDP. But some events happened which caused EU to just stop developing and centralise the government greatly reducing independence of member states. Today we will analyse why EU stopped its economical development, why i view its current course very negatively and how it could be avoided
while US GDP growth from 2010 to 2023 was around 34% Europe developed a little slower with rate of 21%. It has been caused by many factors like
So as summary in terms of economy, green deal madness despite only producing 6% of whole CO2 caused EU's economy to stagnate. If people really want to slow down the climathe change first they should focus on countries like china or india which produce way more CO2. i greatly apologise for any mistakes, i am not used to making essays
while many people see it as something positive. Some even see it as an way to increase productivity growth as it allows for further cooperation and cheaper prices, some might even mention that only as united continent we will be able to compete against superpowers like China or USA. There are few arguments that really prove the point, however the risk associated with it is great and even i personally see losing independence of my nation as harmful and against my honor. But it's not just about my feelings or honor. I will explain why i see further centralisation and federalisation as huge issue.
the centralisation can bring many benefits for stronger economies like Germany or France but the policy "one size fits all" which can hurt weaker economies and risk even greater stagnation. This means the EU would be divided between poor and rich morale? we can compete even without becoming centralised federation. it was possible before lisbon treary for many years.
i live in a country which fought for independence for hundreds of years after the fall of polish lithuanian commonwealth. I approach this topic in different way, for me independence of my state is most important, since millions of men died just for us to speak and think in polish. Their sacrifice can't be ignored and we need to keep us independent since the world without states, nations, cultures and religion is one of the definitions of communism. the loss of independence would anger millions of people around the world not only from Poland Controlling around 27 nations with different cultures would be incredibly difficult. Imagine controlling and pleasing so many nations
if you are business owner and you do boring paperwork, imagine you need to do twice as much. In simple terms this is what a centralised EU comes with. Centralisation means a load of bureaucracy which can be expensive and very slow in terms of decision making, especially on such a huge area. The reason it worked in the US is because of different history and less or at least less dominant minorities
while this whole migration pact as a core sounds quite pleasant, whenever you dig deeper you see its huge flaws and there is one thing which caught my eye in this pact and it is a mandatory solidarity system which basically forces other member states to accept also illegal migrants or they will pay around 20 000 euro per person if a country rejects it. While analyzing both Poland and for example Germany i see it as one of the worst ideas EU has ever passed. Imagine 10 criminals live in 1 house, so to reduce crime rate you distribute them all over neighborhood praying it will solve the crime rate. It won't, it will just spread the problem, we need to fight a core of it The illegal migrants. Don't get me wrong i don't see migration as something plain bad. If an migration is controlled and legal and if migrants assimilate to local culture i'm okay with it, but if it is mass illegal migration like in France then it is somethhing i am strongly against. As an proof there is an map where a dot is every documented terrorist attack since 9/11
a situation in EU itself is quite interesting with more right wing political parties rising in power seeing flaws of leftist-crafted migration pact and green deal. People are more aware of weak points of current EU rule and i believe the EU has potential but it is being killed by insanse green regulations and not controlled illegal migration. I still remain positive and try my best to change something