Welcome to the website of Hooiman
What is hooimania?
"Where's i there's Hooimania". Hooimania does not limit to the website, it ranges from discord to steam. Hooimania is great. I made this website as
Some kind of blog/archive where i can put various stuff for others to see. And remember, do not click the red links. Nothing is there
Stories, lore and my work
The 4 year old story of Davetown
A story behind a name "Hooiman"
My (not so interesting) experience with randonautica
My 3 weirdest dreams
The Stick Incident comics
My thoughts about EU
Davetown archives
Davetown Archives, full of lore, secrets and details about Davetown
Funny screenshots and videos
Screenshots and vids
Contact me
Hover discord logo to see my discord nick
A red link
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